Prof Xiaolan Fu, Director of the Technology and Management Centre for Development TMCD – University of Oxford, Founder OxValue.AI

Xiaolan Fu is the Director of the Technology and Management Centre for Development (TMCD), Professor of Technology and International Development and Fellow of Green College at Oxford University and, through the TMCD, responsible for OxValue.AI as Chair of the Board. Prof Xiaolan Fu Interview Focus 1. An introduction from you – background, overview, education… 2. […]

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University Of Oxford’s TMCD And openbusinesscouncil To Co-Organize The International Investment and Innovation Forum On June, 25

The International Investment Innovation Forum is a prestigious annual conference, co-organised this year by openbusinesscouncil and the Technology and Management Centre for Development (TMCD) – part of the Oxford Department for International Development (ODID), University of Oxford.  Due to be held online on 25 June, the International Investment Innovation Forum has long played host to […]

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