Tag: technologies

How Can Digital Technologies Elevate the Retail Banking Experience?

In comparison to other industries, retail banking has historically been relatively slow to pursue technological innovation. Banking executives generally tend to be cautious, focusing their efforts on developing financial products to maximize revenue, with innovation a distant second priority. This approach, coupled with the fact that bank operations are often mired in highly bureaucratic and […]

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U.S. Smart City Initiatives Are Falling Short; New Report Calls for More Federal R&D and Coordination to Deploy AI Tools

The next wave of connected and intelligent technologies—sensors, 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI)—promises to improve the energy efficiency of urban systems. AI, in particular, can help cities save money, address infrastructure needs, and reduce emissions. Yet cities face significant challenges in researching, developing, demonstrating, and deploying AI and other smart technologies. A new report by the […]

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Digital Twin Technology Leader To Reverse Carbon Emissions In Our Most Polluted Cities

Cityzenith CEO Michael Jansen has launched a global ‘Clean Cities – Clean Future’ campaign to help our most polluted urban centres become carbon neutral, by donating the company’s Digital Twin platform SmartWorldPro2 to key cities, one at a time. Cities produce more than 70% of the earth’s greenhouse gases, but Jansen says use of cutting-edge […]

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