Tag: sustainability

Smart Cities – a cities ABC

Smart Cities the Heartbeat of the 21st Century Covid Driven New Age of Agility In Rome you long for the country; in the country – oh inconstant! – you praise the distant city to the stars. Horace We will neglect our cities to our peril, for in neglecting them we neglect the nation. John F. […]

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Earth day and Political Pollution: Why politicians need to reduce their carbon footprint

Earth day 2020: Why politicians need to reduce their carbon footprint when travelling internationally Carbon footprint is critical more than ever and is defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).CO2 is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide. […]

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Interview With Marc Buckley: UN SDG, WEF, Tech, Sustainability & Cities of Tomorrow

Marc Buckley, ESG Sustainability Advisor, Activist, WEF Expert and Resilient Futurist  is interviewed by Dinis Guarda in this new series for citiesabc. In their dialogue, sustainability, environment and the role of technology collides as the answers to make the world a better place for future generations. In this context, cities are key to achieving the […]

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