Tag: digital economy

Glenn Parry, Professor of Digital Transformation at University of Surrey – Digital And Real Economy

Glenn Parry is a professor of Digital Transformation and Head of Department of Digital Economy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation at University of Surrey. Professor Glenn Parry is the new guest in this Dinis Guarda citiesabc openbusinesscouncil YouTube Series. Hosted by Dinis Guarda. Prof Glenn Parry Interview Focus 1. How did your profile Background come together? 2. […]

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The Major Business Challenges With Covid and Digital Transformation

 Covid-19 pandemic has changed and disrupted all businesses. Covid-19 is also the major digital transformation accelerator, taking the digital economy to new heights. Let’s take a look at the major business challenges with covid and digital transformation and how businesses can get better prepared for the future. Covid-19 has disrupted the entire world economy. […]

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