Tag: digital

How Can Digital Technologies Elevate the Retail Banking Experience?

In comparison to other industries, retail banking has historically been relatively slow to pursue technological innovation. Banking executives generally tend to be cautious, focusing their efforts on developing financial products to maximize revenue, with innovation a distant second priority. This approach, coupled with the fact that bank operations are often mired in highly bureaucratic and […]

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How Much Is Your Favourite Unsold Meme Worth On The NFT Market? Study Predicts

Study reveals famous memes’ retail value in NFTs –       ‘Slender Man’ is the most expensive unsold meme NFT, with an estimated value of almost £850,000 – –       ‘Doge’ exceeded its predicted value by over £2 million –   Earlier this year, a new emerging cryptocurrency – NFTs – or non-fungible tokens – became a global media sensation, and the momentum has not shown any signs of slowing yet. NFTs […]

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