Tag: carbon footprint

Meet The 120+ Top Experts And Government Officials To Speak At The Global Digital Transformation Openbusinesscouncil Summit And Awards

120+ top experts and government officials will speak during the 3-day openbusinesscouncil summit and awards event on  April 20th to 22nd. From government officials to top industry experts, the collective expertise of the speakers makes this an unmissable event. The openbusinesscouncil Summit and Awards, in partnership with citiesabc and World Smart Cities Forum, is running an online event with the […]

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Earth day and Political Pollution: Why politicians need to reduce their carbon footprint

Earth day 2020: Why politicians need to reduce their carbon footprint when travelling internationally Carbon footprint is critical more than ever and is defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).CO2 is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide. […]

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