Tag: 4IR

VIDEO: Digital Transformation Why Businesses Governments Must Change With Smart Cities, 4IR, AI, Blockchain

Digital Transformation Why Businesses Governments Must Change with Smart Cities, 4IR, AI, Blockchain There is no alternative to digital transformation. The challenge and opportunity is: how to do it? As per George Westerman, MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy: “When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but […]

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Digital Transformation: openbusinesscouncil Summit To Showcase 20 Governments And 100+ Global Industry Speakers On December, 9-10

openbusinesscouncil summit showcases 20 Governments and 100+ Global Industry Speakers on the 9 & 10 December 2020 and reflects how to build better solutions in an environment impacted by Coronavirus. The openbusinesscouncil summit is a leading 2-day global virtual event that aims to strengthen businesses, startups and governments with digital transformation strategies and how to […]

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Digital Week Online To Highlight Society 5.0 On Global Digital Transformation Day

Digital Week Online’s Global Digital Transformation Day gathers top experts and industry leaders and showcase 4IR solutions in real case studies from around the world. The day was curated by citiesabc, openbusinesscouncil and intelligenthq, Digital Week Online’s official partners. Society 5.0 and 4IR have been the main topics in the upcoming Digital Week Online’s Global […]

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Digital Assets Exchanges To Become An Essential Part Of Malaysia 5.0

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (“MDEC”) is tasked with organising and leading Malaysia’s Digital Economy forward. MDEC has recently announced Malaysia 5.0, which can contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy by building this national digital ecosystem with a unified alliance of stakeholders both within government and across private enterprise to enable business and societal migration to the digital […]

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Interview With Asad Sultan, CEO of Deutsche Malayan Ventures – 4IR: KL Tech City, Fintech, Media And Tech

 Asad Sultan, CEO of Deutsche Malayan Ventures and an industry leader in the areas of finance and technology, is the guest in this new interview series for citiesabc. Hosted by Dinis Guarda, Asad Sultan talks about his views on 4IR disruption, including technological breakthroughs on finance, smart cities and even in the entertainment industry. […]

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COVID-19 And The Future of FinTech: Interview with Sean Kiernan, CEO of DAG Global By Hilton Supra And Hirander Misra

  Hilton Supra, Vice Chairman of Ztudium and citiesabc is joined by Hirander Misra, Chair & CEO GMEX Group & SECDEX and Sean Kiernan, Chief Executive Officer at DAG Global in a new series interview for citiesabc. The three financial industry experts go through the many challenges that financial firms and services face in today’s […]

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From Smart City to Smart Society

In 1950, 746 Million people lived in cities but just one hundred years later in 2050, this is anticipated to surpass 6 Billion – some 66% of the world’s population. In this increasingly urban, data-driven and hybrid world that integrates the physical and the virtual, the concept of ‘smartness’ comes to the fore. The vision […]

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Video Interview with Professor Yu Xiong: Creating A 4IR Blockchain Magna Carta for Humanity

Professor Yu Xiong, a computer scientist, academic and serial entrepreneur believes that the United Kingdom is in a privileged position to lead the blockchain industry. In the midst of one of the worse crisis, brought about by the Covid-19 coronavirus, Prof. Xiong shares his expertise on technology and highlights the much needed collaboration between countries […]

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