This May 20th is the first-ever #MentalHealthAction Day, and Wholistic Wellbeing company RoundGlass, in partnership with MTV, is hosting a mental health livestream round table with leading personalities in the field, including Vikram Patel, Global Health Professor at Harvard, and Sian Beilock, President of Barnard College at Columbia University. The live event will start at 10am PT / 1 pm ET and can be watched at MTV’s #MentalHealthAction Day Roundtable.

#MentalHealthActionDay, Mental Health Action Day, RoundGlass, MTV

RoundGlass, a global “Wholistic Wellbeing” company, aims to revolutionize people’s wellbeing through a combination of technology, expert-driven content, and immersive experiences. And through this livestream, the company hopes  to “encourage and empower people to take the next step.” Something that is more needed than ever.

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered what mental health experts call a second pandemic. Mental health crisis has soared in the last year and though more people than ever are comfortable discussing mental health, finding effective resources and knowing how to get help remains a challenge. That is what RoundGlass, MTV and this livestream is willing to tackle.


The “Mental Health Strategies for Optimal Wellbeing” livestream round table will take place on May, 20. It will be divided into two sessions: one starting at 10am PT / 1pm ET following up by a second session at 11am PT / 2pm ET. 

The round table will be included within the different events planned for the first ever Mental Health Action Day, an open-source movement of more than 1000 brands, organizations, and cultural leaders to drive culture from mental health awareness to mental health action.

Host and Guests  

The event will be hosted by Prakriti Poddar, a global authority on mental wellness, the Global Head of RoundGlass the Managing Trustee of Poddar Foundation / Poddar Wellness. Prakriti Poddar works and focuses on mental health and wellbeing and marries technology and ancient wisdom to deliver contemporary and effective solutions and unleash people’s inner potential and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

The panel includes leading personalities in mental health worldwide. RoundGlass Global Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Prakriti Poddar, will be joined by Harvard Department of Global Health Professor Vikram Patel, President of Barnard College at Columbia University Sian Beilock, Executive Mental Health Advisor Martin Enault, Co-founder of The Center for Mindful Living Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D., Licensed Social Worker, Grief and Trauma Specialist Sharon Coyle-Saeed, and Psychiatrist, Neuroscientist, Mental Health Advocate Dr. Raghu Kiran Appasani.

The panel will explore conversations ranging from a broad overview about mental health to identifying the ways anyone can find opportunities to evolve during these very challenging times.  

RoundGlass’ hope is that conversations like these can serve as resources for education, help to cultivate awareness around important topics, and provide actionable tools to support people.

Register for the event here.

About RoundGlass

Founded in 2014 by serial entrepreneur and wellbeing and corporate wellness leader Sunny “Gurpreet” Singh, RoundGlass is a global Wholistic Wellbeing company dedicated to empowering and enabling people on their personal wellbeing journey.

RoundGlass aims to revolutionize people’s wholistic wellbeing through a combination of technology, expert-driven content, and immersive experiences. They are committed to expanding wellbeing opportunities to everyone in every stage of their life’s journey.

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