President of World Smart Cities Forum, Jaewon Peter Chun, joins Sunny (Gurpreet) Singh and Thomas Power in the ninth episode of the ‘Living with Sunny’ Youtube podcast series. The three experts discuss the concept of ‘Holistic Wellbeing’ outlining the idea of a ‘Smart Cities’. Living with Sunny’s episode 9 is out now on YouTube and chosen podcast destinations.

Born in South Korea during the most challenging times, while it was still recuperating from the traumatic history of colonisation, Jaewon studied his initial years there. He started his career in investment/finance in tech. Progressing gradually, he got involved in projects focusing on smart cities. Sharing his insightful experiences with the listeners, he emphasises holistic wellbeing incorporates societal wellbeing and planetary wellbeing, apart from the individualistic pursuit of happiness.

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Jaewon feels that it is important that we, as citizens of a community take active participation in its wholistic wellbeing. “We usually call it the ‘Transparent Governance System’. Because most of the cities develop by very small group of entities. The Smart Cities is more open to its citizens. I mean, citizens’ involvement in these kinds of activities are more important in the Smart City initiatives”, he emphasises.

Particularly talking about wholistic wellbeing of a Smart City, Singh agrees with Jaewon:

“Smart cities should incorporate into their whole framework, how does the community in the Put the humans at the centre of a Smart City. It is about humanity and humans. It is about enabling something for humanity in a positive way. It’s almost like wellbeing should be a core value of Smart Cities”. 

The ‘Living with Sunny’ YouTube podcast series is co-hosted by Sunny (Gurpreet) Singh and Thomas Power. As seekers of wellbeing, the two interview a range of figures from the worlds of business, medicine, academia, science, technology, and publishing, to explore individual wellbeing journeys and map out society’s progress towards a better, more harmonious world, across various industries.

Sunny strongly believes in the Wholistic Wellbeing concept. That is what this podcast really is about. Wholistic Wellbeing makes you feel better; it is about becoming a better person, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

As a seeker, Sunny has long studied how the use of holistic health can help everyone achieve a feeling of wholeness necessary to their overall wellbeing. He calls this concept Wholistic Wellbeing, which consists of 7 pillars: Emotional Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, Social Wellbeing, Financial Wellbeing, Professional Wellbeing, Community Wellbeing, and Planetary Wellbeing.

You can find ‘Living With Sunny’ via YouTube, but also via LinkedIn, Apple, Google Podcast, Spotify, and over 20 podcast directories. Tune into the Living with Sunny podcast on YouTube and Podcast directories. New episodes every Tuesday.

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