Category: Tech Data Smart Cities

Interview Monty Munford – Co-Founder BlockSpeak, Tech Journalist Blockchain, Crypto, AI Thought leader

Interview Monty Munford – Co-Founder BlockSpeak, Tech Journalist Blockchain, Crypto, AI Thought leader Monty Munford, tech journalist, blockchain expert and Co-Founder at BlockSpeak podcast series, is the new guest in this interview series for citiesabc. As it is usual in the series, host Dinis Guarda and Monty Munford discuss major challenges nations, cities and people […]

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Smart Cities – a cities ABC

Smart Cities the Heartbeat of the 21st Century Covid Driven New Age of Agility In Rome you long for the country; in the country – oh inconstant! – you praise the distant city to the stars. Horace We will neglect our cities to our peril, for in neglecting them we neglect the nation. John F. […]

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Interview with Edwin Diender: CDTO and VP, Huawei Enterprise – Leading the World in Digital Transformation Smart Cities

Edwin Diender, CDTO and Vice President, Global Government Business Unit, Huawei Enterprise joins Dinis Guarda in this new series of interviews for citiesabc to discuss his profile and background, his work in Huawei and what this tech leading global player is doing in Digital Transformation, 5G, AI and his cutting edge ideas and solutions in […]

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Interview With Jorge Sebastiao Tech Thought Leader, Smart Cities, Cyber Security, Blockchain and AI

Jorge Sebastiao is a technology thought leader, influencer and ICT expert in the area of cyber security with more than 35 years of experience in technology systems. In this new interview for citiesabc, conducted by Dinis Guarda, cyber security is a central theme as every digital system exposes new – and unexpected, risks. That is […]

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From Smart City to Smart Society

In 1950, 746 Million people lived in cities but just one hundred years later in 2050, this is anticipated to surpass 6 Billion – some 66% of the world’s population. In this increasingly urban, data-driven and hybrid world that integrates the physical and the virtual, the concept of ‘smartness’ comes to the fore. The vision […]

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Covid 19 Coronavirus UN DESA’s – When Data Increasingly is Key to Saving Lives

Covid 19 Corovirus UN DESA’s – When Data Increasingly is Key to Saving Lives News / resources release As the dangerous COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS pandemic besets the world, statisticians and data experts around the globe have entered a race against time. Governments, healthcare providers, businesses and citizens need a constant flow of new and disaggregated data […]

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