Category: Tech Data Smart Cities

Global Smart Cities Council Platform

Global Smart Cities Council Platform Smart Cities are the critical element of our times. Any city or region has to build a strategy that can increase its optimisation of the fundamentals, put together a better healthcare, sustainable approach that using digital transformation tools towards competitiveness and quality of life, efficiently use resources, and support economic […]

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Tokyo 2020 Olympics Delay will Cost $5.8bn

Coroanvirus Damage on Tokyo 2020 Olympics Delay will Cost $5.8bn News release: Contact: Jastra Ilic, Psychic Ventures Ltd A swathe of the world’s top sports competitions, tournaments, and professional leagues have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Last week, the health emergency claimed arguably the biggest prize in all of sport, […]

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Cutting Edge Real-time Sentiment Media Insights Data on Coronavirus Covid-19

Real-time Data and media Coronavirus Covid-19 sentiment by Ravenpack We are living in disturbing times. If the financial crisis and Great Depression took three years to play out, this devastating Coronavirus / Covid-19 crisis has taken mere weeks. The continuing shock ongoing in the global economy, sciety and financial markets coming from from Covid-19 has […]

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Covid-19 is the biggest-ever cyber security threat to hit businesses

Covid-19 is the biggest-ever cyber security threat to hit businesses Securely authenticating employees working remotely is becoming critical to business continuity News release London 31.03.20 The COVID-19 outbreak is forcing millions of employees to work from home. This means countless organisations are faced with a unique challenge: how to keep as many business-critical functions running […]

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A Cities ABC 4IR Magna Carta for Our Cities Humanity

citiesabc a Magna Carta a decentralised digital transformation hub for Humanity written by Dinis Guarda with Prof Yu Xiong We created the new digital empowerment project out of the need to unite and reinvent cities. We would love for you to collaborate with us to create a better narrative for our cities and communities […]

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Mayor of London Statement on coronavirus COVID-19

Mayor of London Statement on coronavirus COVID-19 Last updated: 25 March 2020 Message from the Mayor on transport usage I’d like to thank all Londoners who have followed the rules today and stayed at home. TfL’s early-morning data suggests that Tube travel is down by an additional third compared to yesterday and bus travel down by […]

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Smart Cities, Urban Health Data And The Coronavirus Pandemic

As the coronavirus pandemic expands worldwide, governments have had to take extreme measures to stop the transmission. As such, they have put entire cities and countries into lockdown. This directly affects urban economies on a multi-lateral level, including from social and economic standpoints. The need for collaboration is higher than ever -especially regarding health data-, […]

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