Category: Summit and Awards

The Magna Carta Island International Innovation Centre To Support Businesses And Foster Tech & Scientific Innovation

Established in 2018 by Mr Chen Yuanfeng and fellow Chinese entrepreneurs, the Magna Carta Island International Innovation Center (IIC) promotes new knowledge, technologies, products and industries, as well as cultural advancements and system innovations. The IIC held its International Cooperation Forum recently, presided over by Professor Xiong Yu, where it explored deeper Sino-British scientific and […]

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Smart City Business Award Went to “Progressive thinking” Cityzenith

Pioneering work in the Digital Twin sector by Cityzenith has won a major accolade: a Smart City Business Award at the openbusinesscouncil’s (OBC) COVID-19 summit. Cityzenith wins Smart City Business Award  The event award recognised Cityzenith as one of the “most progressive thinking companies, demonstrating exceptional pioneer work and devotion in the Smart Cities and […]

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Smart Cities Index IndexDNA Captures The Complex Relationship Between Citizens, Industry, Policymaking And Society

The First Ever Dynamic Smart City Index: citiesabc indexDNA Framework for Smart Cities Whitepaper Produced with citiesabc and openbusinesscouncil will be officially released at the openbusinesscouncil summit. indexDNA Framework for Smart Cities is the name given to the smart city index developed by citiesabc in collaboration with the University of Durham. It captures the complex […]

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