Category: Healthcare Sustainability

Post-Covid Ecological Remediation

One advantage the Chinese have is they can plan far ahead. Their political system does not restrict leadership to envision change in four-year bite sizes. One day the Chinese Communist Party may be replaced by something approaching Western democracy, but until then they have the luxury to think in generational – not election – terms. […]

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Mental Health Awareness: How business leaders can manage their mental health during COVID-19

Mental Health Awareness: How business leaders can manage their mental health during COVID-19 News release Corporate consultants for global SME arena RWT Growth give advice on how to survive and thrive in this new Covid-19 period. For businesses, this a particularly stressful period, with a quarter of small companies expected to fold during the COVID-19 […]

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Diversity & Inclusion for Leaders Book by Raj Tulsiani

Diversity & Inclusion for Leaders Book by Raj Tulsiani Book News Release / Resource Focusing only on the moral argument for diversity and inclusion is not just inappropriate in the business setting, it’s obstructive. New Book: Award-winning Diversity Headhunter, Raj Tulsiani, sets out provocative but practical approach to achieving sustainable change in diversity and inclusion This […]

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