LSE IDEAS is LSE's foreign policy think tank
LSE IDEAS is LSE’s foreign policy think tank

‘Better Together’ digital platform responses to COVID-19 launched by London School of Economics IDEAS

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A digital information platform has been launched to showcase and promote the efforts of businesses who are tackling COVID-19 by LSE IDEAS, the London School of Economics’ foreign policy think tank.

The UN Business and Human Security Initiative at LSE IDEAS has designed the “Better Together” platform as a resource to inform and inspire people in the public, private and civil sectors to work together to address the complex challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, that require collective action at local level.

It provides access to evidence, good practices and lessons on how companies are teaming up with other actors in communities to tackle the crisis, with a particular focus on experiences in fragile societies.

The platform was launched with organisations such as Business and Human Rights (BHR), UNDP in Colombia, the PeaceStartup Foundation, the Institute of Economics and Peace, and Bureau van Dorp, experts in responsible business in fragile and conflict-affected areas.

Within the platform, visitors are able to find examples of corporate partnerships and collaborations between business, government and civil society to address community needs, as well as comments and insights from the practical experiences of senior managers, local operatives and advisors. It also provides links to publications and research to inform business, policy and humanitarian initiatives.

Dr Mary Martin, Director of the UN Business and Human Security Initiative at LSE IDEAS, says:

“In the weeks and months ahead, business will be crucial to building resilience and addressing the consequences of this crisis. This is why it’s so important to have a platform like this, which not only celebrates private sector efforts to tackle COVID-19 so far, but can inspire further corporate participation in community recovery efforts.”

“Collective action at local level and learning across borders will ultimately be the key resources that rebuild societies hit by the wide-ranging and profound implications of this pandemic. Through the Better Together platform, we want to build a picture of that collective action…we want to make these actions visible and make them count.”

On the Better Together platform, you will find:

  • examples of corporate partnerships and collaborations between business, government and civil society to address community needs;
  • multi-stakeholder interventions to help communities;
  • insights from the practical experiences of senior managers, local operatives and advisors;
  • links to publications and research to inform business, policy and humanitarian initiatives;
  • guides for interpreting business responsibility.

‘Better Together’ platform link:

LSE IDEAS is LSE’s foreign policy think tank, currently ranked Europe’s top university-affiliated think tank.

“LSE IDEAS brings together young and old, theorists and practitioners, business and government, and people from every continent and background. IDEAS is where ideas grow.” Sir Robert Cooper, former UK & EU diplomat

“Through sustained engagement with policymakers and opinion-formers, IDEAS provides a forum that informs policy debate and connects academic research with the practice of diplomacy and strategy.”

IDEAS hosts interdisciplinary research projects, produces working papers and reports, holds public and off-the-record events, and delivers cutting-edge executive training programmes for government, business and third-sector organisations.

LSE IDEAS aims to uphold in all our work.

  • Exist to connect academic knowledge with the people who use it.
  • Foster a diversity of views and perspectives.
  • Judge the success of our work by its impact.
  • Create public engagement with empirically informed policy research.
  • Work with people from every academic and professional discipline.
  • Work in new ways to create and share knowledge.
  • Work internationally, through partnerships with universities and organisations.
  • Style is clear, concise, and compelling.
  • Value integrity and pride ourselves on teamwork.
  • Credibility is built on our track record of achievement.

The LSE IDEAS Centre is the foreign policy think tank of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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