On July, 19, U.K.-based Italian artist Andrea Bonaceto will hit the market with a new NFT drop. Taking place on Nifty Gateway, the drop will feature the newest works from the artist, all inspired by space exploration.

NFT Artist, Andrea Bonaceto, Sophia The Robot
Most recently, Bonaceto was in the news for his collaboration with artificial intelligence robot Sophia, marking the first time a collaboration between an AI and human artist was sold in such a way. He will participate in Sophia’s second drop on July 19.

Read more:

Andrea Bonaceto – NFTs And Collaboration with Sophia the Robot, Artist, Founding Partner at Eterna Capital

NFTs And Digital Art: Sophia The Robot’s Successful Artwork Auction Is Just The Beginning

Bonaceto has been fascinated by space exploration and extraterrestrial life from as early as elementary school, where he wrote a short story titled “Io e Gli Alieni” (The Aliens and I), where him and his parents were kidnapped by harmless aliens just to be asked about our habits on earth to then be returned home safely. That short story is somewhere part of the abstract piece that will be sold at auction during this event.

The auction piece, titled, “The Aliens and I,” is a programmable art piece that will change if Bonaceto happens to go into space during his lifetime, changing into a new piece he will create while in space and reinterpreting the original piece with a new prospective. “2021: A Space Odyssey” is a homage to the pioneers of space exploration, as we approach a new phase of space discoveries that will most likely lead to human beings being a multi-planetary source. Finally, the additional pieces part of the NFT sale are portraits of today’s well-known space pioneers who have had an impact within the space exploration field, such as Elon Musk and Yusaku Maezawa. These pieces will be sold as a series of multiple editions.

All NFTs can be purchased online on July 23. Most of the artist’s work is digital, created on an iPad Pro, inspired by people’s facial expressions and abstract artifacts of nature.

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