The recent turn of events in the NFT domain is quite surprising. As NFTs are being sold for millions and creating new market dynamics, entrepreneurs worldwide are prospecting the NFT space, to launch new businesses and invent new business models on top of NFT infrastructure.  There are a wide variety of use cases for NFTs. These applications keep growing as time progresses and innovators are constantly finding new ways to utilize this technology.

NFT webinar-citiesabc-openbusinesscouncil
Decoding The NFT Business Models

What exactly is an NFT? How does it work? Or How can you create one? How to get started with an NFT business? Is NFT a bubble that’s about to burst? How to launch an NFT marketplace? What are the legal requirements for launching an NFT business?

Accubits Technologies is hosting a webinar to discuss the opportunities and challenges in the NFT domain. Registration is open for the live webinar which will be conducted on the 27th of April, 2021 at 7.30 PM CET (GMT +2). The amazing line of panelists in the webinar includes;

Dinis Guarda – Executive Chairman, Open Business Council

Morgan Deane – CEO of Swiss Investment Bank – Baader Helvea. Forbes Finance Council Member

Sandeep Sangli – Co-Founder at Kalamint (NFT Marketplace), Head of Business development Tezos India Foundation

Daniel Sloan – Co-Founder and Blockchain Practice Manager at Futuretech

Rahul AR – CIO and Head of Blockchain, Accubits Technologies

Shameer Thaha – Chief Strategy Officer, Accubits Technologies

In the webinar, the panel would discuss the opportunities and challenges in the NFT space, legal considerations for launching an NFT business, the scope of launching an NFT marketplace with whitelable NFT marketplace platforms. Technical considerations and blockchain development aspects of NFTs, the concept of clean NFTs and more.

Grab your tickets to the free webinar here : WEBINAR REGISTRATION

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